Photolux – an Innovative Portfolio or Blog WordPress Theme:
Photolux, an innovative portfolio or blog WP theme, developed to attract visitors at a glance on the site’s expert and impressive style. This theme has a flexible and distinctive AJAX gallery with amazing jQuery animations and effects; satisfy one’s creativeness through effortless management of your images. The theme’s style options and other powerful features make it possible for photographers and creators to present their work.
Photolux Styling Options:
Photolux styling options is seamlessly customized. One of its style options is the theme’s three (3) base skins, namely: Dark, Light, and Dark Transparent. Once a skin is chosen, you can change the colors and backgrounds used in the theme. The theme works with a color picker to be able to easily shift from the user’s color preference. Aside from this, with the theme’s 34 different background patterns, you are given the freedom to use your own custom background or upload your own background pattern image or full width background image.
For a live preview and more details about Photolux Styling Options, please visit the theme’s demo site.
Photolux Font Management:
Photolux offers a user-friendly interface to implement Cufon Font replacement and Google API Fonts. Utilize one of the fonts the theme has or upload your own custom font to deal with Cufon font replacement. Aside from this, Google fonts are used when enabling the fonts you wish to have in one of the theme’s section.
You can check out the font management section in Photolux demo site.